The Shrine

St. Dymphna Statue at the National Shrine of St. Dymphna

Those who wish, can visit the National Shrine of St Dymphna inside St Mary’s Church during our normal business hours:

(excluding holidays)

Monday thru Friday


For security reasons, the church remains locked during the day.

Please come to the gift shop to gain access to the church & Shrine.

If you are planning on visiting the Shrine of St Dymphna and have questions about Mass times,
please call our office at (330) 833-8478.

REGULAR Shrine and Gift Shop hours are:

MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00am-5:00pm.

On weekends the Shrine is only available to visit

during St Mary’s church Mass times.


Pastor and Rector

Very Rev. John E. Sheridan, JCL, STL, VF


-St Mary campus
-St Barbara campus
-St Joseph campus



St Mary Church


WEEKEND Liturgy:

8:00 AM Sunday mornings.


Wednesday 9am     ~School Mass~
~followed by Eucharistic Adoration until 4pm~
Saturday 8am  


National Shrine of St Dymphna

206 Cherry Rd NE

Massillon OH  44646


(St Mary Catholic Church)



Relevant Radio’s The Merry Beggars “The Saints” brought to you by the

National Shrine of Saint Dymphna will launch the “St. Dymphna Episode” on
April 22, 2024 and will broadcast for 5 days. The Saints: Adventures of
Faith and Courage episodes are recorded with award winning actors,
writers and sound design bringing thrilling and inspiring stories to
ignite you and your family’s faith. The entire series will be
permanently available through Relevant Radio’s website, podcasts, and

You will be able to listen through this link:


If you are planning on visiting with a LARGE GROUP, please contact us at least TWO WEEKS ahead of time, so we can make the necessary arrangements.


Call Shrine Office at 330-833-8478 for more information.

Through the intercession of St Dymphna, we pray you have peace of mind, heart and soul.

Our web store has changed! We have increased the inventory, adding hundreds of new products. If you have been a customer previously you will have to re-register in the new store to purchase. Be sure to stop in and browse around to see all the new items. Enter Store Here.

National Shrine of St. Dymphna (pronounced Dimf-nah) is located INSIDE St Mary’s Church.

There is a First Class Relic available for viewing and veneration.

First-Class Relic

St. Dymphna is the patroness of those afflicted with mental and nervous disorders.  Although many have never heard of St. Dymphna, she is becoming increasingly popular during these days of worry, fear and anxiety. Then, too, there are few people in the world who are not at some time or another troubled with their nerves.



Our street address is:
206 Cherry Rd. NE
Massillon OH 44646.


Mass and Novena schedule 330-833-8478.



THE LEAGUE OF ST. DYMPHNA comprises members who invoke her intercession that they will be preserved from mental and nervous disorders, or soon recover if now afflicted. The membership in the League is $6.00 per year, and you will share in our continuous novenas, plus the benefits listed on the application. (click here) Most members are enrolled and make the novenas with us for a relative or friend who is having a real struggle climbing the hill of recovery. We receive a number of letters expressing gratitude for favors received. Many recoveries can be attributed to St. Dymphna’s intercession. There are some, however, who must continue to carry the heavy burden of mental suffering and we should not overlook the merit they gain for all eternity.

7-Day Votive Candle Lighted at the Shrine

7-Day Votive Candles


Family Perpetual Memberships, Individual Perpetual Memberships and Yearly Memberships are available to The League of St. Dymphna. Order your membership here


Our street address is:
206 Cherry Rd. NE
Massillon OH 44646.

If you are planning a pilgrimage to our new home, please let us know.

Novena Download


Below you will find a link to a download of the Novena Booklet we use at the National Shrine of St. Dymphna, Massillon, OH. We recite the Litany in honor of St. Dymphna and the day’s intention and prayer each weekday. (Monday through Friday except for holidays) Please make the novena with us.
Download Novena